Monday 21 March 2016

Writing Process

We have been working on defining the process we use in our class to write so that we can see how it it fits in with our Learning Capacities.  This process also allows us to help each other identify ways to improve our writing.  As a result we are finding we need much more time to conference with each other and bounce our ideas off each other in order to clearly write our ideas.  We now peer conference when we first get an idea, straight after planning and again after editing.  Some of us are choosing to go back to a forth person after crafting our writing to see if our buddies can help us re-craft our text and make it even better.  Here is what we have come up with:

As you will notice we are using all of our Learning Capacities in this process more that once and in conjunction with other Learning Capacities.  The process is cyclic and can continue going through the writing, editing, sharing, crafting and sharing again as many times as we like before we finally feel happy with our writing.

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