Wednesday 30 March 2016

How Disappointing

We worked so hard in our elective group.  Every week we have spent some time gardening and some time designing and making our grassheads.  We finished making our grassheads last week and Mrs Nicholson placed them outside her classroom so they would get some sunshine and also a watering from the rain over the long weekend.  Unfortunately someone decided to wreck our project.  We came to school today to find the containers scattered around the back of the classroom and the grassheads thrown all over the place.  Some were high in the bank, some hidden behind the stage area, and most unable to be found.   We can't think who would do this.  And are so disappointed.

This is what we planned to make.  When the hair grew we were going to design our own haircuts.

But here's what we found:
Our containers scattered everywhere

Hidden behind the stage

Can you locate this grasshead hiding at the top?


  1. Oh this is so sad! Can we do it again with some parent help? Let's keep trying!

    1. Yes, it is very disappointing. Unfortunately we don't have time to do this again and all our materials have been used. However, we do all know how to make a grasshead now so perhaps that can be a holiday project.
