Sunday 20 March 2016

Narrative Writing

This week we have been focusing on noticing details and including them in our writing to create descriptive pictures in the readers mind.  We looked at two pictures and then thought about what we might see, hear, smell, taste and feel then wrote a short story.  Here are a three wonderful examples:
The Big Dive In by Mischa
A boy climbed up a gigantic, steep, harsh rock.  When he was at the top he looked down at the glimmering water below.  He took a deep breath.  Nervous he jumped.

The Big Splash By Oscar M
I feel the gigantic sharp rock scrape at my feet as I do a high 360 bunny hop.  The wind feels like a huge fist punching against my face.  A huge wave of excitement rushes through me as I plummet towards the dark blue freezing salty water.  I hear the huge ocean waves crashing against the warm golden sand.  I see the people swimming around and around the ocean I am diving into.  SPLASH!  The cold water hits me as I smash into the icy water.

Rock Pools by Liana
One quiet day while searching for crabs I heard my hand swishing the water.   I felt the bumpy rocks hitting my shoes and heard the wind blowing in my ears.  We were in luck.  We found a crab swirling through the water and lifted the rocks in search of more crabs.  The water was cold and I was frightened of a crab pinching me.  We felt great.  We had found lots of crabs.  We found a baby fish splashing its tail and we could hear it.  It splashed in my face.  The water was salty.  And then suddenly, a crab pinched me!

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