Tuesday 19 May 2015

The Sneetches

Mrs Thompson read one of her favourite books to us this week - The Sneetches. Then we got to have a go at drawing our own Sneetch and putting a star on to show how special we are. Everyone of us is pretty special as you will see form our unedited drawings. Thanks Mrs Thompson, we had a wonderful time :) Book Week with Mrs Thompson


  1. Such beautiful pictures room 14. We enjoyed reading the reasons each of you have given for being special. Such lovely work and very kind of Mrs Thompson to share her favourite story with you. Wendy, Oliver, Henri and Kristian Riley.

  2. Such beautiful pictures room 14. We enjoyed reading the reasons each of you have given for being special. Such lovely work and very kind of Mrs Thompson to share her favourite story with you. Wendy, Oliver, Henri and Kristian Riley.
