Tuesday 19 May 2015

Book Week

We were so lucky to have author Maria Gill come to our school for Book Week. We have lots of her books in our library, or at least we would have if they weren't so popular; people are always taking them out. Maria showed us some of the books she has written. It all started as a dream and a belief that she could write. Then she had lots of lessons learning about writing books and talking to other authors. Maria took us through the writing process from the first initial idea, researching and interviewing, writing the first draft, editing it (she edits some of her writing up to 40 times!!!), getting illustrations and the graphic designer to work out the layout, and sending it off to the publisher. We learnt so much. And then Maria read us one of her favourite stories and a few of us were able to act it out. What a great start to Book Week. :) Author Visit - Maria Gill on PhotoPeach

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Room 14, an author coming in to visit your school - wonderful! Lovely too that Maria was able to talk you through the process of writing a book from the initial idea to getting it published. You are doing some incredible learning room 14 and having some fantastic experiences and opportunities along the way. I have read some of your stories too, which of course are just fantastic! I wish i could have an author
    read one of his/her books to me. Hope you got some good ideas from Maria. Wendy Riley
