Tuesday 26 May 2015

Homework Excuses

Today we read some of Andy Griffiths book and the excuses he came up with for not handing in his homework - the dog ate it! Here are our ideas of great excuses:

Last night I was in the bath with my bag and all my homework.  It got all soggy, and that is what I wanted to tell you.

Last night I went to war.  We just landed and I almost finished my homework, because I did some of it on the boat, and I heard gun shots.  I finally made it to the trenches.  I got out of the trench and I got shot in the pants.  It went right through my homework!  Luckily I didn’t die.

I was in bed.  I had finished all of my homework and somehow I was sleepwalking downstairs.  I got my homework.  Meanwhile I was sleep-eating and then I woke up with only one tiny shred.  I had eaten my homework.

I was running up to school when I fell over and my homework slipped out of my bag.  I tried to catch it but I just pushed it.  It slowly drifted down to the drain.  That was it, no way could I get it now.

I was chopping dinner but just then my dad bumped into my homework and I chopped it up.

I was on my way to Rainbow’s End, finishing off my homework.  When we got there I only had one sentence to go so I took it in with me.  We went on the roller coaster.  When we went on the loop-de-loop my homework flew right out and the place it fell you couldn’t go to.

I ate it because it was made out of chocolate.  Then I pooped it out.  I was not going to touch it.  Then my cat ate it.  I went to have a bath, meanwhile my cat died.

My Gran died on Friday so I had to go down to Wellington but I forgot to take my homework.  We were supposed to come back on Sunday but the funeral got delayed till all day on Sunday.  The plane came late so we arrived three hours past bedtime.   I slept in and was just in time for school, but didn’t get to get my homework done.  Sorry.

On Saturday I came to school to have some peace to do my homework.  I finished my homework and left it on the bottom field, and then I went to the basketball court and played basketball for ten minutes.  Then I went to collect my homework.  Oh!  Someone had trampled all over my homework.  No!  I had no homework.

One night my dad was about to go to war with his hand on the trigger.   He accidentally shot my pants with my homework in it.  Meanwhile I was starting my homework again when a U.F.O. shot my house and exploded my homework and hurt my head.  So really I couldn’t finish my homework.

Yesterday I was doing my homework on a boat to Rangitoto.  When we got there it was pouring with rain and my homework got really wet.  When we got to the top a murderer came out of the bushes and shot a cookie at my homework.  It came out of my hand and it landed in the volcano.

“The Robbo stole it,” I said.
“The paper robber?” shouted Mrs N.
“Haa Haa Haa,” laughed the whole class.
“Umm . . . Mr Robbo stole it.  I thought that Mr Robinson was at the disco.”
“He, um . . .  pick-pocketed me.”
“Why did you have your homework there?”
“I missed the crossing and I didn’t want to get rained on.”

I just finished my poster than my cat ate my poster.  I started the bath but it overflowed.  I went to a volcano to heat it up but I dropped my poster.  It erupted.  Then my poster turned into a rock.  I cried my eyes out.  Bye, bye homework.

Um . . . it fell down a black hole I guess.  I was walking to school with my homework in my hand.  I looked to the left.  Meanwhile this space freak made a black hole.  My homework got sucked into it.  I tried to save it but it shut down.

Me and my family went for a walk and a play at the beach.  Meanwhile at home a robber set the house on fire.  But before he did he stole all the money and set himself and my homework on fire.

I went camping.  I was roasting marshmallows.  We were really close to the fire and I was doing my homework.  Since I was roasting my marshmallow I accidentally dropped my homework into the fire.  It burned to little pieces.

One day I was at home and we decided to go to Clip and Climb.  When we got there I was busting to go to the toilet.  As well as going to the toilet, I had my homework in my hands, so I went into the toilet.  When I went into the toilet I saw a murderer that murdered my homework.  It is true because it was said on One News.

My U.F.O. flew into space for a week.  When it came back it was huge and had lasers, rockets and actual aliens.  Just then something fell out of the sky.  It was my U.F.O. with my homework.  It hit the real U.F.O. and blew up.  This was real.

I was sleepwalking down a pair of stairs.  My homework was on the wooden table.  I sleepwalked to the table and ate my homework.

On Friday, after school, I was playing with my Wii when it blew up.  A chip caught a crane and the crane fell on my homework.  I tried to pull my homework.  It was superbly stuck.  I pulled and pulled and pulled.  Finally I grabbed it but it was in two pieces.  I glued mine back together but it was too sticky so I put it in the toilet so I could make it not sticky.  But I accidentally flushed it down.

1 comment:

  1. Some incredible excuses room 14. I like that you have used your imagination to get creative with your excuse, which makes it sound interesting! Have any of you had to use your excuse yet? Wendy Riley
