Monday 16 March 2015

Synchronized Swimming

Last Friday we had our swimming display for our parents to come and see.  We demonstrated all our swimming strokes we had been practising, showing how well we can do each stroke.  We also showed off our favourite water skills and finished with a short synchronized swimming routine that we had individually choreographed.  Here are a few photographs of us practising.

Synchronized Swimming on PhotoPeach


  1. What a fantastic, fun way to spend a Friday afternoon. I had such a lovely time! Room 14, i loved watching your swimming and seeing how much fun you were all having individually and as groups. Great skills and incredible swimming. Well done!

  2. Wow, I loved seeing your synchronized swimming. I love swimming and it is so neat to see you loving it too! Well done, Room 14.

  3. I was really disappointed to miss this afternoon. My daughter used to do synchronised swimming - it is very hard work! I am pleased to hear that everyone had a great time, the photos look great.
