Monday 16 March 2015

Sun Safe Eyes and Oh So Cool

The lovely Bridgit from Le Tissier came in to talk with the school about sunglasses and how important it is for children's eye health to wear them.  Summer is still here (despite being in March) and it is still important to focus on being Sunsmart.  In addition to our students wearing sunhats, we also believe that it is important they wear sunglasses when playing outside as recommended by Sunsmart.  Did you know that children's eyes are more susceptible to sun damage than an adult's?  More and more children are choosing to protect their eyes by wearing sunglasses whilst they are playing outdoors.  We tried them out and no matter how much we run, skip and jump our glasses remain on our noses and protect our eyes.  Don't we look great? 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I do agree! You are a handsome lot AND being safe in the sun!
    Fab-U- lous Room 14.
