Thursday 26 March 2015


This week we were asked to draw some pictures about the game Bullrush. Our pictures will be submitted to an author, who is writing a story about the history of Bullrush in schools, to see if he wants to use any of them. That got us thinking about the game and we decided to write our own stories. We first decided on our success criteria and linked the process to our Learning Capacities. Then we began. When we finished we discovered we had also been busy bees collaborating and sharing ideas, creative dolphins using our imaginations and curious Keas, researching the game. We had used all our Learning Capacities.  Take a look and see how well we have done.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like such a fun game to play. I really enjoyed reading your stories and loved the way you all used lots of descriptive words to tell the reader about the game and how you felt while you were playing it. Great creative writing and thank you for sharing. Wendy Riley
