Tuesday 31 March 2015

Devonport Library Visit

On Friday we went to the Devonport Library.  June showed us a book she had made up about the history of the library.  The library has been on the same site since 1954 but it has changed.  Anyone can join and it is free.  While we were there we got to do a treasure hunt to find items of importance in the library and June told us their significance.  Then we got to look at some of the new books in the library before having a few minutes to find a book and curl up with it.  We had a wonderful time and look forward to visiting the library in the school holidays.

Devonport Library Visit on PhotoPeach

Raising Money for Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam

We had a pyjama day on Friday to raise money for Vanuatu.  Everyone dressed in their pyjamas, even Mrs Nicholson.  We brought a gold coin and placed it on the coconut palm that Mrs Davies had drawn on the court.  Look at how it glitters.
The tree before we placed our gold coins on it.

In our pyjamas
First class out to lay down our coins

Shining in golden glory

Our gift to Vanuatu

Easter Projects

Today we had a go at making a yarn egg for Easter, minus the chocolate.   We will post photos of how they turn out.  In case you want to make them here is a link explaining how to make them:
Yarn Egg
Yarn Easter Egg Tutorial | Easter Crafts
We had a look at another project we wanted to have a go at but Mrs Nicholson wasn't able to get enough Alum powder in time for us to make these.  They look so cool and would be an interesting science experiment.  Alum powder can be purchased from the Chemist but you may have to order it in.
Chrystal Egg

Thursday 26 March 2015


This week we were asked to draw some pictures about the game Bullrush. Our pictures will be submitted to an author, who is writing a story about the history of Bullrush in schools, to see if he wants to use any of them. That got us thinking about the game and we decided to write our own stories. We first decided on our success criteria and linked the process to our Learning Capacities. Then we began. When we finished we discovered we had also been busy bees collaborating and sharing ideas, creative dolphins using our imaginations and curious Keas, researching the game. We had used all our Learning Capacities.  Take a look and see how well we have done.


Library Hunt

Every week we visit the library and choose books to take home and read. We also take part in a library Hunt. Our quiz helps us to find our way around the library. We have learnt how non-fiction books are shelved under the Dewey system, and fiction books under the author's name. Sometimes we have to find out who, when, or where a book was published and how many reprint copies there have been. We know where to find the illustrator and information about the author. It is a race each week to see who gets all the answers right. But we are such good learners that we can't help helping each other as you will see in our photographs. Library Quiz on PhotoPeach

Friday 20 March 2015

We read about St Patrick's Day and did a puzzle.  Then we got to thinking who means more to us than a pot of gold.  Here's our answers:

Worth More than a Pot of Gold

Monday 16 March 2015

Synchronized Swimming

Last Friday we had our swimming display for our parents to come and see.  We demonstrated all our swimming strokes we had been practising, showing how well we can do each stroke.  We also showed off our favourite water skills and finished with a short synchronized swimming routine that we had individually choreographed.  Here are a few photographs of us practising.

Synchronized Swimming on PhotoPeach

Sun Safe Eyes and Oh So Cool

The lovely Bridgit from Le Tissier came in to talk with the school about sunglasses and how important it is for children's eye health to wear them.  Summer is still here (despite being in March) and it is still important to focus on being Sunsmart.  In addition to our students wearing sunhats, we also believe that it is important they wear sunglasses when playing outside as recommended by Sunsmart.  Did you know that children's eyes are more susceptible to sun damage than an adult's?  More and more children are choosing to protect their eyes by wearing sunglasses whilst they are playing outdoors.  We tried them out and no matter how much we run, skip and jump our glasses remain on our noses and protect our eyes.  Don't we look great? 

Youtube video's of our Learning Capacities

Take a look at our youtube video's explaining our learning capacities and how they help us learn.
The Kea
The Dolphin
The Ruru
The Albatross
The Bee
The Tuatara

Learning Capacities

To help us understand how we learn we have 'Learning Capacity animals'.  Each day we update our board as we gain a better understanding of how imitating these animals traits we can learn better.  Take a look at our board so far.  Click on individual photographs to stop and zoom in.
Learning Capacities on PhotoPeach

Writing - Show not Tell

We have been focusing on 'show not tell' in our writing.  We used a visualisation technique to take us back to a time when we had our hair cut.  We tried very hard to feel our hair being cut, notice the sounds, smells and visualise our surroundings.  Have a read of our fantastic stories.  Did you ever experience a haircut like ours?  Click on our e-book to read

Haircutting Stories

Monday 9 March 2015

Soccer with North Shore United

Chris and his mate came to teach us some soccer skills. We had great fun playing games with them.


Belmont Park Smash Tennis Club came and taught us some essential  tennis skills.  We learnt about being agile and moving quickly from one direction to another, how to keep our eye on the ball, hand eye coordination, how to hit the ball where we wanted, and how to keep on trying.  We had a great time.  Thanks Mark and Kathy.Learning Tennis Skills on PhotoPeach

Our Classroom Learning Treaty

In week one of the term we decided what we wanted our classroom to be like and began finding out how using the learning capacities can hep us become better learners.  We wrote and signed this learning treaty.

Tia came to help us learn our mihimihi

Here we are with Tia learning our mihi. Stayed tuned to hear us say them.

Face Painting with Emily

Emily came in to show us how to face paint our Learning Capacity animals. Look how we did. Aren't we fabulous?Learning Capacities - face painting on PhotoPeach While we were waiting for our turn to paint we sketched the creatures, researched about them, and made up a treasure hunt quiz on each creature.