Friday 12 February 2016

Elective group - Gardening

Every Friday our team gets together and splits into elective groups.  Mrs Nicholson is helping us to look after the Kestrel area of the school and make it an environment we can be proud of.
This week we focused on maintaining our environment.  Dave had sprayed all the long grass around the back of our classroom and the area our team uses for assemblies.  Today we pulled out all the dead grass, swept the concrete and then disposed of the waste.  Here are a few of us working . . .
Pulling out all the dead ivy.

Exploring the insect life.

We filled our bin with dead grass and weeds.

Sweeping up to make it all tidy.


  1. Fabulous to see you keeping your school beautiful. Did you see any skinks?

  2. Yes Oscar saw one climbing up the wall. We were very careful not to hurt it.
