Sunday 28 February 2016

Farewell to Yejun

We have had the pleasure of having Yejun in our class for the last four week.  On Friday we said farewell to him and the other three Korean students.  We will miss him.  We are hoping to be able to keep in contact with him via email.

Our class with Yejun


We will miss you all

Week 4 Cup Winners

Congratulations to this week's stars:

Star of the Week 

Most Improved

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Te Reo

Whea Maria arrived at school this week to teach us Te Reo.  She will be coming each Tuesday for half an hour to teach us.  This week we practised greeting people.  In Maori you change what you say if you are greeting one, two, or more people.

After learning the greetings we sang a waiata (song) called E toru nga mea.  Whae Maria translated the song so that we understood what we were singing.  Here is the song and us singing it.

Monday 15 February 2016

The School Rules

We have three rules at our school.  They are:

  1. Follow instructions first time
  2. Respect people, property and the environment
  3. Work and play safely
Some of us were a little confused about some of the rules.  We all knew what the first rule meant but we needed to unpack what rule 2 and 3 meant.  We did a bus stop activity where we wrote down all our ideas.

We were only allowed to write down what we should do, not what we shouldn't.  Then we discussed what we had written.  Some of us found it really hard and had to rethink what we had written down changing it from a 'don't' to what we do.
Mrs Nicholson collated all our information together and put it up on the wall for us.  Here it is:
Our ideas of what the School Rules mean

Friday 12 February 2016

Elective group - Gardening

Every Friday our team gets together and splits into elective groups.  Mrs Nicholson is helping us to look after the Kestrel area of the school and make it an environment we can be proud of.
This week we focused on maintaining our environment.  Dave had sprayed all the long grass around the back of our classroom and the area our team uses for assemblies.  Today we pulled out all the dead grass, swept the concrete and then disposed of the waste.  Here are a few of us working . . .
Pulling out all the dead ivy.

Exploring the insect life.

We filled our bin with dead grass and weeds.

Sweeping up to make it all tidy.

Week 2 Cup Winners

This week we have been focusing on actively listening.  We have done a wonderful job of listening to instructions and following them first time.  We have also learnt how to set our books up so that all our learning is easy to follow, clearly and neatly written, and our goals are evident.  
Congratulations to the cup winners for Week 2.

Most Improved

Star of the Week

Friday 5 February 2016

2016 Begins and look who received the Cups this week

This year we are being awarded a Star of the Week cup and a Most Improved cup.  The cups are awarded on Friday.  The children who receive them take them home for the weekend, then bring them back to school and place them on their desks where they sit until they are given out to the next Star of the Week and Most Improved.
Most Improved in Week 1

Star of the Week