Thursday 5 November 2015

Persuasive Speeches

We have all written persuasive speeches and performed them to the class.  We voted on the speeches and choose our top three.  The speeches had to be relevant to an 8 or 9 year old, convince us, hold our attention and entertain us.  We looked at the speech content and delivery.  We were all given marking cards and then put down our scores.  Mrs Nicholson added them up and divided by the number of score cards to get a total.  The top three speeches were then practised over the holidays and performed again for the team.  Mrs Bennett judged those.  Unfortunately none of us got in the top three placings but we are very happy with our efforts.  Here are two of those three top speeches.  To see all the speeches go to our Youtube channel.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant speeches Jamie and Annabelle. You must be so proud of yourselves. It is obvious from the content and delivery that you have worked extremely hard on your speeches, and putting some very interesting, persuasive points across. Well done! Wendy Riley
