Friday 26 June 2015

Paper Planes

We are starting to learn about flight.  We used the movie "Paper Planes' as a springboard to kick off our learning.  After watching the movie we decided to write some reviews.   Have a look at Elliot,  Henri, and Holly's reviews.  I'm sure you will want to go and see it after reading these.  To go to the sites Elliot embedded in his review click on the links below it.
By Elliot
Click on Elliots links here to go to the sites he found:
Paper Planes Movie
Best Paper Plane Ever

By Henri

By Holly

1 comment:

  1. Room 14, it was such a delight to read the reviews about the movie "Paper Planes". Sounds like a fantastic film and one i may have to go and see. It was lovely that you got to make your own paper planes too! I remember making paper planes when i was a little girl. I decided i would make one so i followed your
    instructions on how to make a paper plane, but i have to admit it didn't fly very well !
    Maybe i need a bit more practise. Henri and his brothers Oliver and Kristian have made so many paper planes i find them all over the house. You must all be so excited about your trip to Motat after the holidays.
    Thank you for sharing your learning. Wendy Riley
