Monday 29 June 2015

Rotocopter - Explanation Writing

We have been learning how to use our plans to help us with our writing.  Take a look at Olivers explanation about his rotocopter:
Oliver's Planning and Writing - Rotocopter

Friday 26 June 2015


Our first science experiment on flight was to see if we could make a rotocopter, fly it, and work out the factors that allow it to fly.  Kasra has written an explanation about the rotocopter:

Paper Planes

We are starting to learn about flight.  We used the movie "Paper Planes' as a springboard to kick off our learning.  After watching the movie we decided to write some reviews.   Have a look at Elliot,  Henri, and Holly's reviews.  I'm sure you will want to go and see it after reading these.  To go to the sites Elliot embedded in his review click on the links below it.
By Elliot
Click on Elliots links here to go to the sites he found:
Paper Planes Movie
Best Paper Plane Ever

By Henri

By Holly

How to Make a Paper Plane - Proceedural Writing

Isla used Power Point to tells us how to make a paper plane.  Here is a copy of her slides:

We read a story on about an experiment a mum did to teach her children why it was important to wash your hands.  Click on the link below to take a look at the story and pictures.  Aren't the pictures scary?  A good reminder to wash our hands before we eat.
Bacteria on 8 Year old boy's hand

Here are responses form Lucy and Holly:
By Lucy

By Holly

Science Day

Auckland University came and gave us an incredible science day packed full of interesting experiments. Read about our day:
Henri's Science Day

Holly's Science Day

Isla's Science Day

Kasra's Science Day

Lucy's Science Day

Writing Rosie stories

As part of the Rosie project we all wrote naratives about Rosie. We put our books on publisher and found background illustrations from photographs available on the internet. Then we learnt how to draw cartoon animals which we outlined with black vivid, coloured in and cut out. We printed out our books and glued our pictures onto the pages. Here is the Rosie book we were using as an example:
Here is Nikita's pages, complete with background images, before she glued on her animals drawings.

Rosie's Cow-riffic Rescue


What a lovely surprise I got in my inbox when I opened up my emails. Henri had been working at home on another project, art this time. Take a look at how he has made his name:

Our 3D Cows

Part of our work on Rosie involved learning how to use a 3D sketch programme and design our own 3D cow.   We found the programme very challenging but did our best and made some wonderful models.  We voted for the best 8 and sent them off to get printed on a 3D printer.  Here are our top 8 and two of the 3D printed cows:









Rosie 3D Cows on PhotoPeach