Tuesday 28 April 2015

Another ANZAC poem

Lucy's ANZAC Poem

The War

I remember my Grandad in the war
He went to save the rich and the poor.
To help the country and make peace
He travelled north and then east.
In the tank with dust and dirt
Sure he got a little hurt.
The war went on for many days.
We won but the enemy still remains.
He died.
I'm sad.
It makes me very mad.
I shall remember him on ANZAC day
and the other men that went to fight so we could happily play.

Written by Lucy

Image result for poppy

Sunday 26 April 2015

Easter Treats

At the end of term one it was Easter. Mrs Nicholson had a treat for us but before we were allowed it we had to construct our own Easter box to take it home in. Here are some pictures of what we made.
Can you guess what our treat was?

Here are some pictures of us making our Easter boxes.

Easter Boxes on PhotoPeach

Saturday 25 April 2015

ANZAC Service

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

ANZAC Service on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Getting Ready for ANZAC Day

This week we are making our own poppies ready for ANZAC day.  Some of us are sewing around our petals and stitching in stamen and others are leaving our poppies plain.  Everyone is sewing their poppy together, but some of us are gluing our centres in rather than stitching them.  No matter how we chose to construct our poppy we are all extremely pleased with them.  Here are a few pictures of us making them.  We hope to all be finished on Thursday and will wear them to the school ANZAC assembly on Friday. Making ANZAC poppies on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 1 April 2015