Monday 24 October 2016

Generalist or Specialist Feeder

We played a game to find out how the shape of a birds beak influences what it eats.  We had to use either tweezers, a bulldog clip, a clothes peg or a spoon as our beak and try to pick up paper clips, wool and rubber bands.

Bird feeder Game on PhotoPeach After playing the game we graphed our results and discussed what would happen if the birds ecosystem changed and whether it would survive. From the discussions we decided which birds were generalist feeders and which were specialist feeders and would either fall dramatically in number or even become extinct if their habitats were to change.

Independent Writing

Mrs Nicholson has been busy testing us ready for our reports.  We decided to choose something to research and then write an explanation about it.  Have a look at our efforts:

Signed Olympic Flag

Raiha and Orla went to the Cloud to see our Olympians. They spoke to them and managed to get their autographs on a flag to bring back to school.

If I were a . . .

We wrote stories with Mrs Anderson. Click on the link below to see our e-book.If I were a Bird

Shape Poems

Click on the link to see our e-book.

Calligrams - Our Shape Poems

Persuasive Speeches

This term we all wrote and presented speeches.  You can see all our speeches on our youtube. Here are the three we voted in our class as the best from Room 2.

Olympics Our research

We all got the chance to think about an aspect of the Olympics we were interested in.  Then we used a KWL chart to write down what we knew, what we wanted to find out and then what we learned.  Using the internet we researched out topics and found out heaps.  Then we decided how we wanted to present this information.  Lastly we presented it to the class.  Some people made 3D displays, others did posters, and some people made google presentations.  Here are just a couple of the presentations.

Mr Uri - Our Olympian

We met with our buddy class to learn more about the Olympics.  Mr Uri came to visit to tell us about when he was an Olympian.  He is able to keep the title of 'Olympian' all his life.  He shared photographs of his time representing his country and told us about how he had trained.  We got to see the medals he won and try them on.  Now lots of us want to try really hard to become Olympians too

Library Visit

We visit the Devonport library every term.  June tells us what new books she has in and reads us a story.  Then we get the chance to browse the shelves, choose a book and settle down and read.  We love it.

Some of us bring our library cards and take books home.  If it is near the end of term June tells us what programs they are running over the school holidays.  Devonport Library is the place to be.

There's no 'I' in Team

We have been learning this song and performed it at our class assembly.  It helps explain how we need to work together as a team.
Together we Aspire

Pink Shirt Day

We celebrated Pink Shirt Day by all trying to wear some pink to school in support of standing up to Bullies.  We also made peace flags and hung them in the playground.  The flags went right across the courts.
Photos of us with our flags.