Sunday 1 May 2016

Tuataras Use Energy from the Sun

We read about the tuatara and how they use energy from the sun and then wrote about it.  Take a look at our reports.

How Tuataras Use Energy from the Sun
A tuatara is a cold blooded reptile that uses the sun lots.
They use the sun when they are looking for wetas or other types of insects to eat.  They also need light for their eggs and finding a nest.  Now, how they really use the sun is tuataras need sunlight to let their eggs hatch.  To grow they also use the sun’s heat.  They need the sun’s heat to shed their skin and they grow bigger with light.  Their blood warms up with the sun’s energy and then it goes cold again when it isn’t in sunlight.
If you don’t know what a tuatara looks like have bumpy hard green skin and scales and claws.  They have three eyes when they hatch but when they grow the third eye disappears.  Next time you see a tuatara look at it closely.
By Isla

How Tuataras Use the Sun’s Energy
Tuatara are cold blooded animals.  So are snakes, frog, dinosaurs, lizards and fish.  Tuatara are a type of reptile.  Tuatara are nocturnal.  Nocturnal means these sort of animals come out and are more active at night.  Tuataras have three eyes.  The third eye is on the top of tuatara’s head.  Tuatara live in New Zealand.  Tuataras have soft spikes on their backs.  They are cold blooded animals called ectotherms. 
On a hot day many warm blooded animals will sweat to cool down but tuataras hide from the sun by going into its burrow.  Tuatara will hide in its burrow when it is too hot.  The tuatara gets stronger by being in the sun.  Light from the sun helps the tuatara to grow.  Tuataras grow faster in the summer than the winter when there is more sunlight.  The sun’s energy warms tuatara’s body.  Tuataras have no extra fat to keep them warm.  Tuatara’s favourite temperature is 17 to 22 degrees.  Tuatara lay eggs.  They need the sun’s energy to warm the eggs so the babies grow and to hatch.
By Raiha

How Tuatara’s Use the Sun’s Energy
Tuataras are cold blooded animals, so are fish, frogs and snakes.  When a tuatara wants to cool down they go to a shady place.  They will go there to their holes if they feel too hot and dry. Cold blooded animals, like tuatara, will move to a sunny spot to warm up.  This is the way a tuatara will use the sun’s heat to keep warm instead of it burning the food they eat. 
Animals that are cold blooded do not eat as much in the winter as they do in summer.  Cold blooded animals like to lie in the sun after they have eaten a big meal.  The sun’s energy warms the tuatara’s body.  This helps its stomach to break up the food they have eaten.
By Orla

How Tuatara Use the Energy form the Sun
Tuatara are cold blooded reptiles.  To use the sun’s energy they will go where the sun is shining and will lie down to warm themselves up.  And they use the sun’s energy to help digest their food in their stomachs.  They are nearly extinct so please don’t hurt the tuatara.
By Danny

How Tuatara Use the Sun’s Energy
Tuatara belong to an ancient group called Sphenodontia.  All other species in this group are extinct.  Tuatara are a greenish-brown colour.  They can grow up to half a metre, 50 centimetres long.
They use the sun’s energy by staying outside for a while and it makes them run faster and it burns the food that it has had.  In summer the sun helps the tuatara grow faster.
Tuatara have a third eye but as it grows the eye gets covered with scales.
By William M

How Tuatara Use Energy from the Sun
Tuatara Description
A tuatara is very clever.  The baby tuatara have an egg tooth on the tip of its nose to push its way out of the egg shell.  They are cold blooded animals.  Tuatara belong to an ancient group of reptiles called Sphenodontia.  The other reptiles in this group, except for the tuatara, are extinct.
How Tuatara use Energy from the Sun
The tuatara has to move to a sunny spot to use the sun’s heat to warm up because cold blooded animals have slimy skin or scales that are smooth on their backs and this skin does not keep their body heat in.  The tuatara’s scales let the heat out but water in.  It needs the suns heat to warm up.
A tuatara grows more quickly in the summer than in the winter because they eat more food.  Tuatara do not have to eat all the time.  They can survive without food for months.
By Mischa

How Tuatara Uses the Sun’s Energy
Tuatara find a warm place after they have had a big feast and use the sun to help digest their food.  Animals that are cold blooded do not eat as much in winter as they do in summer.  A tuatara will grow more slowly in summer.  This is because it is eating less food.

By Huia

Farewell to Oscar

Sadly we said farewell to Oscar on the last day of term.  We wish him all the best at his school in Christchurch.  We wanted to celebrate the time Oscar had had with us so on Friday we had a class party.  Oscar had made us up a Eeyore poster so we could play pin the tail on the donkey.  We also played pop the balloon and wink murder.  What a fun way to finish the term.  Thank you Oscar for the fun times we had with you.



We had a school ANZAC assembly on the last day of term.  The senior syndicate had done fantastic artwork and helped us to know what to focus on for the minutes silence.